The range of cookie jars designs produced by American Bisque can range from a simple canister to the Holy Grail of Herman and Katnip, with the values of the company’s jars hitting every price range.
At the top sits Herman and Katnip, a jar that is rarely seen with a price reflecting that. I remember the buzz of collectors watching the jar sell on Hake’s Auction in May 2010 — the hammer was at $10,143! Since then the price has come down, but still in the thousands.

The next few jars that are high coveted by collectors are Rudolph and Baby Huey. The Baby Huey has been reproduced, but I have not seen a fake Rudolph yet. The sold prices for these jars in recent years are typically in the low four figures.
The Mohawk Indian is considered highly sought after, it was and still is, on many collector’s lists. After checking a variety of sold prices, the jar is down price-wise from the above jars. It’s still on my favorites and I have two — real and reproduction.
Lil Audrey is another example of a jar that was beyond many collectors, but also appears to have come down a bit in price. The jar fetched $2530. at the same auction as the Herman and Katnip jar. In recent years, it’s not uncommon to see for under $1000. The jar has been reproduced.
When writing about the special jars from American Bisque, Casper the Ghost really needs to be on the list even though values have fallen from the highs they once were. Auction prices show the majority of the sales well under $1000. over the past few years, with the exception of the smaller version, and hard-to-find, of Casper holding lollipops which sold for $1500. in 2019.
It would be amiss not to mention the American Bisque Flintstone and Popeye series of jars, both are very popular and valuable pieces for the knowledgeable collector. The Flintstone jars auction prices can range up to the high three figures, while it’s not unusual to see the Popeye series individual jars sell for over $1000.
WARNING: The majority of the above jars have been reproduced, so when spending big bucks check it out carefully, especially sizes.
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As with all prices and values shown on this website, values and prices are subjective to the many variables that exist today in the antiques and collectibles world.
From the @barbcrews archives